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cvelibrary features a variety of items in our collections - from books and newspapers to audiobooks and digital resources. Browse through our catalog to find something you love or discover a new favorite.

Piles of Books

Literary Classics

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Colorful Book Spines

New Releases

Something for Everyone

Colourful Pile of Old Books

Staff Picks

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Journals and Magazines

Explore our selection of free magazines available. We have a growing collection of titles covering a range of special interests, so search our full catalogue to see find exactly what you're looking for.

Music Magazine

Rolling Rock

October 2025

Intellectual Magazine Cover

The New Corker

October 2025

Wedding Magazine 3


October 2025

Digital Collection

Downloadable Titles

Food and You

Barbara Niels

This is a great space to update your visitors about new digital acquisitions and downloadable titles. Provide specific details such as a brief synopsis and critical reviews to spark as much excitement as possible.

K as in Knife

Joshua Binder

This is a great space to update your visitors about new digital acquisitions and downloadable titles. Provide specific details such as a brief synopsis and critical reviews to spark as much excitement as possible.

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